For a network marketing internet business a whole new world has opened-up! That ‘world’ is Web 2.0 social interactive sites! People are online… therefore network marketing needs to be where the interested people hang-out blanton’s full set!
The Skills Required For Interactive Marketing
Are you a visual learner? If so… you will love the available click-by-click social marketing training on videos. You can learn ‘how to’ take the mystery out of using the likes of, writing blogs, squidoo lenses, hubpages, video marketing and many more Web 2.0 interactive tools. The arrival of and acceptance of these interactive methods has reinforced the ‘shift’ to a network marketing internet business.
The ‘time’ for network marketers could not be better. People are using these new Web 2.0 tools with gusto! The trend has gone from solely searching for pure relevant information in text… to adding interactive tools to listen to and read about targeted information… and adding your comments to that information.
Target Interested People
Unlike offline network marketing the internet allows you to target interested people. You can be specific in targeting people either for your business or your product. Generally never a good idea to mix them though. The real beauty is that only interested people put their hand up for more information on your network marketing internet business.
Using Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, blogs, and squidoo lenses to display a ‘tiny url’ that takes people to a video… that delivers your message… is one excellent way of tageting people. If you are in the video and your messages directs viewers to your business… there’s a high chance they’ll visit your website.
Video marketing is a powerful method, however it should be used with all the other content and social interactive marketing methods. In targeting your specific person you need to have a web address and email address that reflects your target theme. So your website needs to also stay ‘on theme’ throughout. You can have a link to a landing page where you require your site-visitors to leave their first name and email address to subscribe to your newsletter.
Their again your newsletter needs to stay on your target theme. In this manner targeted people will come from all your interactive marketing methods where only the truly interested people will join your subscriber list and seek further information on your network marketing internet business!
Create An Independent Website Business
Replicated websites as used by network marketing companies… are ineffective in a network marketing internet business! Plenty of people will tell you they are ineffective in offline NWM too. However they do have their use for members to place orders and check on teams etc.
Apart from that… they are company promotion sites. To be effective on the internet… you have to promote yourself! Prospective business partners have to be ‘sold’ on you. Therefore having your own content-powered information website is vital!
That’s not all though… natural search will deliver a measure of site-traffic, however the use of other content marketing and social interactive marketing ensures good traffic numbers of pre-sold people. You create a real internet presence through your website, blog, squidoo lenses, hubpages, YouTube pages, sites like Digg, Stumbleupon, Twitter, MySpace and Facebook, through article-writing, and press-releases.
Using the above together… you’ll attract the like-minded partners in business you need and plenty of them. This is the new direction in a network marketing internet business. That’s not all though… you do monetize your business and maintain cash-flow through various income sources unrelated to your network marketing.